EVERY last crochet event I have held through the last several years of projects has had a slightly or radically different sense of group dynamics, I can’t help but notice it, sometimes it’s striking. Some people naturally and effortlessly and generously make other people comfortable. I can’t say exactly that I have that skill, but it seemed like last weeks crochet party on August 2nd was a magnet for people who quietly yet energetically like to get to know about others around them. It was wonderful to watch unfold. So thank you, you congenial bunch! And I know I’ll see you again, because you all told me you’d be back and I take you at your words!
Anyone wanting to learn to crochet, or learn to crochet more intuitively, or learn about the ever-unfolding spirit of human community, please stop in tomorrow, August 9th from 3:30 – 7:30. And join in!
And just a note, though I haven’t changed it on the Calendar of Events yet, I am cutting next week’s crochet party on August 16th short, just till 6pm, because it’s my son’s birthday and we are going on a date. Thanks for understanding the change.
cute babies show up at TPR !